Sals Capital possesses the expertise to convert nearly any verifiable asset into liquid funds. Our process is straightforward, transparent, and expeditious, eliminating the need to approach institutional investment bankers who may take a year or more to achieve asset monetization. With us, you can expect a quick closing, sometimes in as little as 30 days. The following list showcases some of the assets we commonly monetize. However, it's essential to note that our capabilities extend to almost any asset type, so even if your specific asset isn't listed, we can likely monetize it as well.
Assets eligible for monetization
Precious stones, cut or uncut
In-ground and above-ground assets
Artwork and relics of all types
Corporate equity
Stocks, bonds, securities, and financial instruments of all types
Air rights, mineral rights, water rights
Carbon credits, tax credits
Insurance policies, insurance wraps
Commercial real estate